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Monday, February 25, 2008

Big Brother 9 Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

What are James' Blurred Tattoos?
What is Hummergate?
What was Allison's Allergy?
What's NSFW?
What's a Backdoor Nomination?
What does Lockdown mean?
What are all the Big Brother Acronyms?
I saw _______ on their myspace page!! How is that possible?
The Couch? The Blog? What's up with the matching?
What are the Quotes on the Walls of the BB9 House?
When Does BB Start?
What is the difference between the feeds you offer and the feeds on
Will there be Big Brother in the Summer too?
What about BB After Dark on Showtime?
Why Can't the HGs Sing?
Are the Endurance Comps shown on the Live Feeds?
What gets shown on the Live Feeds?
What doesn't get shown on the Live Feeds?
Why haven't you updated in a couple hours?
Why are the feeds in Black and White occasionally?
What does FotH Mean?
Why are the HGs already in the house for 5-6 days when the show starts?
What is the Real Schedule on the Live Feeds?
What are the HGs myspaces?
Which chatroom do the DishChicks use?
Why do you like the Live Feeds so much?
What time will the Overnight Report go up?
What is the Overnight Report?
You blog about BB 24/7. Don't you have a life?
My comment didn't get posted. What's up with that?
What's your myspace?
How can I advertise on your site?
I read through all the FAQ's and I still have a question.

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What is a Backdoor Nomination?

Q: I have a real basic question. What does it mean to do a 'backdoor nomination'? Is that a nomination that occurs when a POV results in a substituted nomination?
February 29, 2008 3:42 PM

A: To Backdoor someone in Big Brother is just what you've described, Marc, but it also implies intent. For example, if I was HoH right now, and I wanted to "backdoor" you out of the BB house, I would nominate 2 other people, pray like hell one of the three of us won the veto comp, and then slide you onto the block in place of one of the original nominees.

As well as intent, backdooring implies that the replacement nominee in question never had a chance to save themself from eviction by virtue of playing in the Power of Veto competition.

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What is the difference between the live feeds you offer vs

Q: What is the difference between the live feeds you can subscribe to? Yours verses Who should I subscribe with?

A: I'll answer the last part 1st. Me!! As far as the difference, there is absolutely none. Every site, including, offers the exact same deals on the exact same feeds. The difference is who gets the bonus for your sign-up.

Small sites like mine depend upon sign-ups from our audiences to keep the sites alive and to make sure we're able to spend upwards of 18 hours a day blogging away for your enjoyment.

Same feeds. Same deals. Your choice. :)

Here's that link: Big Brother 9 Monthly

And a nice big shiny box:

Watch Big Brother 9 Replay 24/7 on SuperPass

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Why does the Couch match the Blog? or
Why does the blog match the couch?

Q: Why does the couch in the Big Brother 9 Bedroom match the background of the blog?

A: The blog has had the same background since All-Stars when I started it, so no, I didn't make the background to match the couch.

The couch matching is very likely just a happy coincidence...

Either that, or someone in set design really like us. ;)

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Q: How is (insert name of HG here) Allowed to Be on their Myspace?!

A: They're not. While the HGs are in the house or in sequester, a lot of them have friends or family members running their pages. They aren't actually on their themselves.

The Big Brother houseguests have no internet access at all... Not even the HoH. Although the HoH blogs once a week for an hour, their blogging does not provide them internet access or privileges.

Q: But I saw that ___ has ___ on her friends list!!
A: See above.

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What does Lockdown mean?

Q: What exactly does lockdown mean? Are they locked in the house or in their rooms?

A: A lockdown can be interior, exterior, or limiting the HGs to a more specific space, such as the HoH (Head of Household) room. When Big Brother calls a lockdown, he will tell the HGs where they are required to go, and they must stay there until Big Brother announces that the lockdown is over and they are free to move about the house... or the backyard.. or where ever.

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What is Hummergate?

Q: I keep seeing you mention "Hummergate." What is it?

A: Hummergate refers to the oral sex that took place between 2 of the houseguests during Big Brother 9, early on in the season. C=Venus did a chop of the event and called it "hummertime." My brain processed it as hummergate, lol, and I referred to it as that in a few posts after, rather than saying blow job, which just sounds a bit more crude.

Here's the chop:

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Big Brother 9 Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

What are James' Blurred Tattoos?
What's NSFW?
What are all the Big Brother Acronyms?
What are the Quotes on the Walls of the BB9 House?
When Does BB Start?
Will there be Big Brother in the Summer too?
What about BB After Dark on Showtime?
Why Can't the HGs Sing?
Are the Endurance Comps shown on the Live Feeds?
What gets shown on the Live Feeds?
What doesn't get shown on the Live Feeds?
Why haven't you updated in a couple hours?
Why are the feeds in Black and White occasionally?
What does FotH Mean?
Why are the HGs already in the house for 5-6 days when the show starts?
What is the Real Schedule on the Live Feeds?
What are the HGs myspaces?
Which chatroom do the DishChicks use?
Why do you like the Live Feeds so much?
What time will the Overnight Report go up?
What is the Overnight Report?
You blog about BB 24/7. Don't you have a life?
My comment didn't get posted. What's up with that?
What's your myspace?
How can I advertise on your site?
I read through all the FAQ's and I still have a question.

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What's NSFW?

NSFW means Not Safe For Work. We put this at the top of some of the steamier videos...

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What Was Allison Allergic To?

Q: Did Allison ever reveal the source of her allergic reaction after having the allergy test?

A: After testing, it was revealed that Allison was allergic to Big Brother Slop.

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James' Blurred Tattoos

What are James' Blurred Tattoos?

James has a tattoo of a Catholic priest on his arm with a thought bubble of little boys, and his chest is the "Brawny" man with the work "cunt" underneath.

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