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Thursday, November 29, 2007

My comment didn't get posted. What's up with that?

Well, there could be a few reasons:
  1. Viagra salesmen and the like tend to enjoy posting their links in our comments sections, since they get so much traffic, and while we can appreciate Viagra as much as the next woman, we'd rather spare you the BS.
  2. We don't tolerate attacks or intimidation of other commenters. There are plenty of places that do... we're just not one of em. We've built a really nice community here, and we'd like to keep it that way. If something slips through, as it will on occasion when things get nuts, just leave us a comment alerting us to it and specifying which post it's on, and we'll take care of it ASAP.
  3. No F bombs, if you please.
  4. If your comment refers to any of the female houseguests as a whore, skank, slut, etc., or suggests any of the former, it will not be published.
  5. Racial or Ethnic or Homophobic Slurs? Don't even think about it. Well... you can write it, but it's not getting published, and frankly, I'd really prefer not to read it.
  6. Inciting others to violence? Not gonna happen.
  7. Giving out phone numbers and email addresses of CBS bigwigs and encouraging everyone to call and write to protest something that happened in the house? I just can't do it.
  8. If it's in the morning, I may be out cycling while the HGs sleep.
  9. So n So Sucks! is not a worthy comment.
  10. Please - I'm begging you - avoid using all CAPS. In the internet world, it comes across as yelling, even if you didn't intend it to be that way. If you can't be troubled to hit the shift key every now and again, all lowercase letters is always preferable.
If you're a regular commenter and you're following the guidelines, chances are we just didn't get around to moderating/publishing the comment yet. Please be patient, and give us a few minutes. We can only do 35 things at once. ;)

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