What is the TV Schedule & The Real Schedule on the Feeds?
- Tuesday - 9pm
- Wednesday - 8pm - LIVE SHOW! Eviction & HoH Comp
- Sunday - 8pm
So far...
- Wednesday - Live Eviction & HoH Comp
- Thursday - Nominations, as well as Food or Luxury Comp
- Friday - Veto Comp
- Saturday - Beg, Plead, plot, Scheme
- Sunday - Veto Ceremony
- Monday - Beg, plead, plot, scheme, lie.
- Tuesday - Last chance to save yourself and/or throw your "friend" under the proverbial bus.
BBAD - every night starting Tuesday, February 12th at 12:00 AM ET/PT on SHO2
Set your TiVo!
Live Feeds - 24/7! - Use that link to get your 2 weeks free. :)
With the exception of the Head of Household Competition (HoH Comp), the live feeds schedule of events is quite different than what is seen on the broadcast show. This is because of the need for editing everything down to compact little tv bites... Here is the real schedule of events as they happen in the Big Brother House:
Thursday - HoH Comp
Thursday night - HoH Room Reveal & Major butt-kissing of new HoH and back-stabbing of other HGs to try and avoid nomination. ;)
Friday - Food Comp or Luxury Comp (airs Sunday night)
Friday - Nominations (airs Sunday night)
Saturday - Veto Comp (airs Tuesday night)
Monday - Veto Ceremony & new nomination, if applicable.
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