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Just the FAQs, Ma'am!
When does BB11 Start, When Will They Announce the New HGs for BB11?, When's the 1st Endurance Comp?, Why is ___ Allowed to be on their MySpace page?!, How Does PoV work?, What is AGP?, What does DR Mean?

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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Big Brother Acronyms

While we tend to stay away from most of the Big Brother acronyms, many sites use them quite liberally. Here's a list of the more popular choices:

AC - America's Choice
AP - America's Player
BB - Big Brother
BBT - Big Brother Time (west coast)
BY - BackYard
DOR - Drop Out Request
FotH - Front of the House. Originally whenever the feeds were cut for a few minutes for whatever reason, they showed us the front of the house. Then it became Fish of the House... since they changed it to a fish tank. Last year it was flames.. during bb8, it looked like a Smurf Colonoscopy MRI. Now we've got a variety of flames, guinea pigs (occasionally) and Trivia. Still, for old times sake, people still refer to it as FoTH.
HG - House Guest
HoH - Head of Household
HT - Hot Tub
LD - Lock down
LR - Living Room
PoV - Power of Veto
TOR - The Overnight Report

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How Can I advertise on Your Site?

Please contact us at dishchicks at yahoo dot com.

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What's your myspace/facebook account?

Our myspace is It'll show up as bb9dish, but the url is from season 7. :) Add us over there, and we'll send you a bulletin when we post something new.

We're now on facebook too. If you prefer facebook, please join our group over there, so we can send you important updates. Here's the link: bb9dish!! ya gotta have it!

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My comment didn't get posted. What's up with that?

Well, there could be a few reasons:
  1. Viagra salesmen and the like tend to enjoy posting their links in our comments sections, since they get so much traffic, and while we can appreciate Viagra as much as the next woman, we'd rather spare you the BS.
  2. We don't tolerate attacks or intimidation of other commenters. There are plenty of places that do... we're just not one of em. We've built a really nice community here, and we'd like to keep it that way. If something slips through, as it will on occasion when things get nuts, just leave us a comment alerting us to it and specifying which post it's on, and we'll take care of it ASAP.
  3. No F bombs, if you please.
  4. If your comment refers to any of the female houseguests as a whore, skank, slut, etc., or suggests any of the former, it will not be published.
  5. Racial or Ethnic or Homophobic Slurs? Don't even think about it. Well... you can write it, but it's not getting published, and frankly, I'd really prefer not to read it.
  6. Inciting others to violence? Not gonna happen.
  7. Giving out phone numbers and email addresses of CBS bigwigs and encouraging everyone to call and write to protest something that happened in the house? I just can't do it.
  8. If it's in the morning, I may be out cycling while the HGs sleep.
  9. So n So Sucks! is not a worthy comment.
  10. Please - I'm begging you - avoid using all CAPS. In the internet world, it comes across as yelling, even if you didn't intend it to be that way. If you can't be troubled to hit the shift key every now and again, all lowercase letters is always preferable.
If you're a regular commenter and you're following the guidelines, chances are we just didn't get around to moderating/publishing the comment yet. Please be patient, and give us a few minutes. We can only do 35 things at once. ;)

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You blog about BB 24 hours a day! Don't you have a life?

Sure. Once BB's over for the season.

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What is The Overnight Report?

The Overnight Report is a complete rundown of everything important that happened the night before, usually beginning between the hours of 10-11pm BBT, and continuing until the HGs actually go to sleep.

It typically includes video clips, as well as dialogue excerpts, and it allows our reader to stay in the loop without losing too much sleep.

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What time will The Overnight Report go up?

Typically, The Overnight Report will be completed and posted by 9am BBT/12 noon eastern. If it's particularly long, it'll go up in a couple pieces... one tagged onto the next, within the same post.

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I Read through all your Big Brother FAQs and I Have another Question

Ask Away! :) Chances are excellent that if you're wondering, so are other people. Please leave us a comment right here in this post, and we'll get to answering it ASAP.

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Why do you like the Big Brother Live Feeds so much?

Simply put, as anyone who has ever had the
Big Brother Live Feeds will tell you, it's the only way to go.

Given the option to actually know what's going on in the house, or merely be spoon-fed a storyline that the producer wants to create, we choose knowing.

Often in Big Brother, certain houseguests and events are portrayed very differently on television than they actually are in the house. We can't hang with that.

If you've never tried the live feeds, we highly recommend you give them a shot by taking advantage of the 2 week free trial. Then make up your own mind.

Here's the link for you to do that:

Watch Big Brother 8 on SuperPass!
Click Here to get your Free Trial

There are 2 options:

Quarterly - Free for 14 days, then 14.99/month

Big Brother 9 Quarterly

Monthly - Free for 14 days, then 39.99/3 months

Big Brother 9 Monthly

Don't just take our word for it. Here's a tiny excerpt from an interview we did with BB8 Jessica's mom Marie Hughbanks last season:

bb8dish: I'm going to take a wild guess that before this season, the 24/7 live feeds weren't a big part of your life, but they are now that Jessica's on the show. Can you even imagine watching Big Brother without having the feeds? In terms of really knowing what's going on in the house...

JMom: This is our first year with the live feeds. Watching the feeds has changed the way we view the Big Brother show on CBS. Clearly, there are two different shows - the live feeds (reality) and the CBS version. I cannot imagine any true fan of the show not having the live feeds.

bb8dish: Me neither.

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Which Chatroom do the DishChicks use?

As much as we'd love to invite everyone to the chat room we use, it really wouldn't be fair to the regulars who've been using it for years and years, as there would be no space left for them. Instead of asking us where we go, please comment on this post and let us know where you are, and we'll come visit! :)

Frankly, we're really not there too often anyhow. I think I made it in twice last season. Too busy updating the blog!!

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Do you know what all the myspaces are for the HGs?

Yup! We've got quite a few of them up already. They're on the left sidebar of bb9dish, right below the DIGG button, under the heading HG MYSPACES.

The more net savvy HGs have someone running their space...

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What is the TV Schedule & The Real Schedule on the Feeds?

  • Tuesday - 9pm
  • Wednesday - 8pm - LIVE SHOW! Eviction & HoH Comp
  • Sunday - 8pm
So far...

  • Wednesday - Live Eviction & HoH Comp
  • Thursday - Nominations, as well as Food or Luxury Comp
  • Friday - Veto Comp
  • Saturday - Beg, Plead, plot, Scheme
  • Sunday - Veto Ceremony
  • Monday - Beg, plead, plot, scheme, lie.
  • Tuesday - Last chance to save yourself and/or throw your "friend" under the proverbial bus.

BBAD - every night starting Tuesday, February 12th at 12:00 AM ET/PT on SHO2
Set your TiVo!

Live Feeds - 24/7! - Use that link to get your 2 weeks free. :)

With the exception of the Head of Household Competition (HoH Comp), the live feeds schedule of events is quite different than what is seen on the broadcast show. This is because of the need for editing everything down to compact little tv bites... Here is the real schedule of events as they happen in the Big Brother House:

Thursday - HoH Comp

Thursday night - HoH Room Reveal & Major butt-kissing of new HoH and back-stabbing of other HGs to try and avoid nomination. ;)

Friday - Food Comp or Luxury Comp (airs Sunday night)

Friday - Nominations (airs Sunday night)

Saturday - Veto Comp (airs Tuesday night)

Monday - Veto Ceremony & new nomination, if applicable.

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Why are the HGs already in the house for 5-6 days once the live feeds start?

In order to broadcast the first show, the production company needs actual footage of the houseguests interacting, doing diary room sessions, and competing in the first HoH. The only way to get it is by putting the HGs in there a few days early. Also, having the HGs in there a few days early allows them to form some bonds and get over the initial (boring) awkwardness of living with a bunch of people they don't know.

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What does FotH mean?

hehe :) Front of the House. Originally whenever the feeds were cut for a few minutes for whatever reason, they showed us the front of the house. Then it became Fish of the House... since they changed it to a fish tank. During All-Stars it was flames.. During BB8, it looked like a Smurf Colonoscopy MRI, although it was designed to look like falling down a rabbit hole - to go along with the whole Alice in Wonderland theme.... Still, for old times sake, people still refer to it as FoTH.

There's a pretty comprehensive acronym key at the bottom of the FAQs page. :)

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Why are the feeds in black and white when the HGs go to bed?

The Feeds go to night vision (black and white) when the HGs turn out their room lights. As soon as the HGs turn the lights back on (or BB does), color is re-instated.

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You haven't updated for a couple hours. What's going on??

Could be the HGs are actually sleeping for a change! ;)

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What doesn't get shown on the live feeds?

Diary Room Sessions - although we had quite a few audio slip ups last season and a video slip as well...

Veto Comps - The feeds cut out for the duration of the veto competitions and come back on within a few minutes after the comp is over, at which point we learn who won, either by way of conversation amongst the HGs, or an actual visual of the Veto around someone's neck. Veto Comps are held on Saturdays, and the duration runs anywhere from 45 minutes to 4-5 hours... Ya just never know.

Food Comps - On rare occasion we'll see a food comp on the feeds, but very rare.

In general, comps are not shown on the feeds. During season 8, however, the luxury comp was shown.

Singing - When the HGs spontaneously burst out in song and don't immediately stop as instructed, the feeds will cut out momentarily.

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What gets shown on the live feeds?

The vast majority of the plotting, scheming, relationship building, jacuzzi soaking, naughty bits, life, paranoia and general mind-f'ing that is Big Brother.

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Are the Endurance Comps Shown on the Live Feeds?

Yes! The endurance comps are shown on the live feeds, and they are fabulous! You really don't want to miss these.

Typically the feeds come back on within a few minutes of the end of the east coast broadcast of the show and remain on for the duration of the endurance comp.

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Why Can't the HGs Sing?

CBS would have to pay royalties for every song, since every moment of the feeds is broadcast to millions of people.

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