Big Brother Acronyms
While we tend to stay away from most of the Big Brother acronyms, many sites use them quite liberally. Here's a list of the more popular choices:
AC - America's Choice
AP - America's Player
BB - Big Brother
BBT - Big Brother Time (west coast)
BY - BackYard
DOR - Drop Out Request
FotH - Front of the House. Originally whenever the feeds were cut for a few minutes for whatever reason, they showed us the front of the house. Then it became Fish of the House... since they changed it to a fish tank. Last year it was flames.. during bb8, it looked like a Smurf Colonoscopy MRI. Now we've got a variety of flames, guinea pigs (occasionally) and Trivia. Still, for old times sake, people still refer to it as FoTH.
HG - House Guest
HoH - Head of Household
HT - Hot Tub
LD - Lock down
LR - Living Room
PoV - Power of Veto
TOR - The Overnight Report