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Friday, March 7, 2008

When is the First Big Brother Endurance Comp?

Why am I so sure (99%) about it being endurance? Well, during Big Brother 5 & 6, the endurance comp happened immediately following the exit of the last HG to not be part of the jury house. That eviction is this week. During Big Brother 6 and 7, they were held right before the last non jury member was evicted. Season 6, it was held immediately following Kaysar (the evicted HG's) return.

Seeing a parallel here? We're overdue.

With the return of one of the evicted HGs immediately following the eviction, the head count in the house goes back up to 9... leaving 7 jurors and 2 finalists. Endurance awaits us...beginning near the end of the Live Show and continuing on the live feeds. (I can't wait!)

The endurance comp is NOT something you want to just read about. It's something to be seen, live, on the feeds. Here's the link for the 2 week free trial. I strongly encourage you get it all set up and ready well before the event actually starts.

Am I 100% positive it'll be March 12th? No. It just follows the patterns of the past 4 years... Plus, it's an extra dramatic way to re-introduce the formerly evicted houseguest into the mix.

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